Credit Card Payoff Calculator

Key in your information to the respective fields given below: Credit Card Balance, Interest Rate (%), Months to Payoff and then click Calculate.

Your Card info:

Estimated Loan Payment:

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Credit Card Payoff Calculator - Glossary:

Using our credit card payoff calculator, can help to estimate Monthly Payment, Total Interest Paid and Total Payments.

Credit Card Balance

Credit card account outstanding balance for a given period. This calculator is designed to give users an estimate - interest they will end up paying if they choose to pay the outstanding balance for longer period.

Interest Rate

Agreed Interest rate under the terms of card agreement.

Months to Payoff

Agreed - Length of repayment.

Monthly Payment

Amortized fixed monthly payment consists of principal and interest.

Total Principal Paid

Amount paid towards repayment of credit card outstanding balance.

Total Interest Paid

Amount paid towards repayment of credit card outstanding balance.

Total Payments

Total of interest and principal paid towards the repayment of the card outstanding balance.